3. Setup Users
Assign the relevant license to user
- Logon to https://admin.microsoft.com
- Browse Billing > Licenses
- Find the relevant license you want to assign, example: MS E3 and MS Phone System (without Calling plan)
- Wait a few hours for the Teams provisioning service to setup the user in the background
Setup user through PowerShell
Assign user settings 1-by-1
The following commands are how you assign Enterprise Voice, Voicemail, VRP, DP and Phone numbers to a user.
Set-CsUser teams.user.01@domain.com -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoicemail $true -LineURI "tel:+442074445501"
Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy teams.user.01@domain.com -PolicyName "UK-London-International"
Grant-CsTenantDialPlan teams.user.01@domain.com -PolicyName "UK-London"
Bulk assign user settings
You may already have a list of users with currently assigned phone numbers that they want to keep, and the file may look like the following:
UserPrincipalName | Number |
teams.main.reception@domain.com | 442074445500 |
teams.user.01@domain.com | 442074445501 |
teams.user.02@domain.com | 442074445502 |
teams.user.03@domain.com | 442074445503 |
... | ... |
You can automate the list of users and assign Enterprise Voice, Voicemail, VRP, DP and Phone numbers with the following commands:
$csv = Import-Csv "C:\location\of\your\list.csv"
$csv | % {
$user = $_.UserPrincipalName
$number = $_.Number
Write-Host "Setting up $user with $number"
Set-CsUser $user -LineURI "tel:+$number" -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $true
Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy $user -PolicyName $VRP
#Grant-CsTenantDialPlan $user -PolicyName $dialplan
Setup user through GUI
- Logon to the Teams Admin Center
- Browse Users > Manage users and select your users
- Under Account > General information click Edit
- The Assign phone number window will appear
- Phone number type: Direct Routing
- Assigned phone number: 442074445501
- Phone number extension: blank
- Assign Voice Routing Policies and Dial Plan to the user. Whilst you have the user selected, do the following
- Find your user and click on them > Policies
- Edit Policies and assign the relevant policy based on location.
- Dial Plan: UK-London
- Voice routing policy: UK-London-International