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Openasset certificate replacement

  1. Copy the certificate and the intermediates to C:\Apache2\conf\ssl\

  2. Convert the intermediate certificate (intermediate-certname.p7b) to .cer

    • Open up Cygwin Bash Shell
    • Type the following commands:
        cd /cygdrive/c/Apache2/conf/ssl/
    openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in intermediate-certname.p7b -out gd-intermediate-certname.cer
  3. Apply the certificate to the config

    • Open up the file C:\Apache2\conf\OpenAsset.conf
    • Find SSLCertificateFile and type: conf/ssl/certificatename.crt
    • Find SSLCertificateChainFile and type: conf/ssl/ intermediate-certname.cer
  4. Go to services and restart the Apache service.